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The marathon for the water of the world

AQUATON for the water of the world is here, the global virtual marathon that invites people to challenge themselves by donating movement.

Run, bike, walk. You can choose how to move, wherever you are. Every km you make, you donate it to Aquaton and it will be matched to 1 usd.

15 projects in 17 cities around the world will be waiting for you.
We need 150,000 usd to achieve our goal in 2024.

Because water is everything and the water crisis is too big to solve it alone.

Join Aquaton!

xylem Goal

150,000 usd

1 km* = 1 usd
*km = 1 kilometer = 0.62 miles

km donated 0 km

0 km

How to donate?


Run, bike, walk.
The important thing here is to move and to register it with your favorite counter


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Xylem Watermark
will donate usd 1 for every km you register, you can register throughout November!

Discover Aquaton Projects 2024


Water for Argentina I

With Fundación Aguas

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Water for Argentina II

With Monte Adentro

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Water for Brazil

With Pequeno Cotolengo Paulista

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Water for Chile

With Fundación Análoga

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Water for Colombia I

With Swissaid

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Water for Colombia II

With World Vision

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Water for Dominican Rep

With BLUE Missions

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Water for Ecuador

With Fondagua

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Water for Mexico I

With Club de Niños y Niñas Delegación Hidalgo

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Water for Mexico II

With ReforestAcción

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Water for Morocco

With Amis des Ecoles

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Water for Peru I

With Techo

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Water for Peru II

With Techo

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Water for United Kingdom

With Canal & River Trust

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Water for United States

With Waterboys

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Water for Argentina I

With Fundación Aguas

Water for Argentina I

With Fundación Aguas

The echo of Argentine history resonates in the communities of Salta and Chaco, where the lack of access to water affects ties with the land and culture. In Las Llanas de Hickmann and Campo Argentino, Coronel Solá in Salta and Santa Elena in Chaco, primary schools face conditions that complicate their main mission: to be a teaching-learning space. The deficiencies in the water systems and hygiene facilities force the educational community (teachers, parents, and even students) to transport the necessary water for their daily lives using buckets and imposing physical tasks.

Xylem Watermark and Fundación Aguas are joining forces to change the history of these educational establishments. Together, we will work with the aim of every child accessing safe water, enabling them to develop and enjoy their study and recreation spaces.


  • Integral improvement of the pumping system, storage, and piped water distribution in bathrooms and kitchens.
  • Mobile hand washing stations in the three schools.
  • Training for teachers on good water care practices.
  • Water quality analysis and recommendations to the community.

BENEFICIARIES: Over 500 people


Water for Argentina II

With Monte Adentro

Water for Argentina II

With Monte Adentro

The Impenetrable Chaqueño is one of the regions in Argentina known for its extreme temperatures. At its entrance lies the community of El Boquerón, a place where access to water is a luxury. Its inhabitants depend exclusively on rain to collect all the water they need. When droughts strike, they get their water supplies from trucks on long, dusty, stony roads, making everything difficult. Despite the harshness of the place, the attachment to this land is deep. Here, where nature and culture intertwine, people cling to their roots, resisting the temptation to migrate.

Xylem Watermark and the NGO Monte Adentro are joining forces to transform this reality and provide the community of El Boquerón with the self-sufficiency necessary to live and thrive in their environment. By restoring the dignity of its inhabitants through technological and human solutions, we also ensure the strengthening of their inalienable bond with their ancient land.


  • Reconstruction of the elevated water storage tank and the primary distribution system.
  • Donation of pumps and electric panels for extracting water from the well.
  • Technical support and assistance with the development of the project.

BENEFICIARIES: Over 140 people.


Water for Brazil

With Pequeno Cotolengo Paulista

Water for Brazil

With Pequeno Cotolengo Paulista

In a city as vast as São Paulo, where the reality of many is hidden behind urban lights, the Pequeno Cotolengo Paulista stands as a true miracle of hope. This refuge, an important part of the network founded by Don Orione—who made charity his mission—is a home where comprehensive care and support are provided to individuals with multiple disabilities.

Xylem Watermark and the Pequeno Cotolengo Paulista project aim to dignify the kitchen service through reconstruction and conditioning works, providing a quality service to the people who are part of this great community.”


  • Study of the land to find a new well for connection to the kitchen + drilling.
  • 2 dishwashers and replacement of fixtures to reduce current water waste.
  • 2 stainless steel countertops for better hygiene and organization of dishware.

BENEFICIARIES: Over 360 people


Water for Chile

With Fundación Análoga

Water for Chile

With Fundación Análoga

The magical island of Chiloé, with its green landscapes and rich cultural heritage, tells a worrying story about its water reality. Despite being surrounded by the sea and located in the Los Lagos Region, Chiloé faces an unparalleled water scarcity crisis. Inadequate infrastructure, combined with the historical devastation of the ANCUD earthquake in 2016 and the alarming loss of its native forest at a rate of 1000 hectares per year, has left the community in a constant struggle to access drinking water. The exclusive reliance on rainwater, increasingly unpredictable due to climate change, exacerbates this crisis. As the ecosystem weakens, misinformation and lack of education about the importance of the resource threaten to plunge the entire island into an even deeper crisis.

In response to this emergency, Xylem Watermark and Fundación Análoga are joining forces to carry out an Environmental Education Tour that will impact rural schools in Chiloé. This project will empower young people with the knowledge and tools necessary to face the water crisis, understand their environment, and act accordingly.


  • Environmental Education Tour in rural schools of Ancud: Rural School of Manao, Rural School of Coñimó, and Rural School of Huelden.
  • Implementation of an educational program based on the Great Book of Water Latin America – by Xylem – for boys and girls about the proper use of water and the importance of protecting water sources.

BENEFICIARIES: More than 80 people


Water for Colombia I

With Swissaid

Water for Colombia I

With Swissaid

In Toluviejo, Sucre, the rural population lacks access to potable water, and daily life is a constant struggle for this precious liquid. The water infrastructure in the region is inadequate, with an aqueduct that leaves communities completely unprotected. They rely on rainwater reservoirs that are insufficient to ensure supply during extended periods of drought, exacerbated by climate change and the El Niño phenomenon. This situation impacts their daily lives, affecting the population that faces serious health risks.

Xylem Watermark and the NGO Swissaid are joining forces to build and improve rainwater reservoirs in two of the most affected communities in Toluviejo.


  • Expansion of the two community reservoirs in La Esperanza and La Piedras to increase water storage by 50%.
  • Design and installation of a rainwater harvesting system at the rural educational institution “Inmaculado Concepción” in La Esperanza to ensure supply in the sanitary facilities.

BENEFICIARIES: Over 1,200 people


Water for Colombia II

With World Vision

Water for Colombia II

With World Vision

In the arid and vast region of La Guajira, behind luxury resorts, thousands of children are exposed to diseases and historic poverty. Asymmetries. Violated rights. Water scarcity becomes a silent enemy, life teeters on the edge of hopelessness. Here, in this forgotten corner of Colombia, the lack of access to water not only means thirst, but also a bleak fate for children and adolescents. These, already vulnerable due to the lack of guarantees for their rights, face the cruel reality of a life without safe water, which exposes them to preventable diseases and worsens malnutrition that robs them of their future, trapping them in a cycle of poverty and suffering.

Xylem Watermark and World Vision join forces on a transcendental mission: to bring safe water and hope to the Los Moreneros community. With a solution that seeks to restore dignity and guarantee a future where every boy and girl in La Guajira has access to this vital resource.


  • Installation of a quick filtration system and water treatment by chlorination.
  • Adequacy of the existing infrastructure
  • Educational program for the community with established knowledge on access routes to rights + Program for the improvement of the efficient use of water, personal hygiene, basic sanitation and solid waste management.

BENEFICIARIES: More than 900 people


Water for Dominican Republic

With BLUE Missions

Water for Dominican Republic

With BLUE Missions

Dominican Republic and its dreamlike beaches. Looking up towards its jungle-covered mountains, the dream of access to water is just that. The community of La Colmena and Los Cachimbos do not know what it is to turn on a tap; they have never had water reach their homes. It is mostly women who transport the water to the houses, making them the most affected. Adding to this the population growth and location, impacted by climate change, the water is completely insufficient for these families to meet their basic needs.

BLUE Missions, the NGO committed to the future of water in that region, empowers rural communities and calls on its young volunteers to create the facilities to bring safe water, together with Xylem Watermark, for the fourth consecutive year, expanding the reach of this project that is changing the lives of more and more people.


  • Construction of a gravity aqueduct in the two communities + installation of 4.2 km of pipes.
  • Construction of a storage tank of + 50,000 l connected to the pre-existing network.

BENEFICIARIES: More than 350 people


Water for Ecuador

With Fondagua

Water for Ecuador

With Fondagua

Deep in the Paján Mountains in the province of Manabí, the community of San Francisco has found new hope in community-based nature tourism since 2015. This collective effort has allowed its inhabitants to share the richness of their environment with the outside world. However, despite their organization and determination, San Francisco faces an obstacle that threatens their livelihood and well-being: access to water. In a land where water should flow freely, the lack of an efficient distribution system leaves the community struggling for this vital resource.

Xylem Watermark joins Fondagua to transform this reality. Together, we will carry out the implementation of a cistern in San Francisco, which will serve as the heart of an efficient and sustainable water distribution system.


  • Improve the water distribution system by installing a cistern in the upper area
  • Acquisition of a pump and pipes to improve distribution.

BENEFICIARIES: More than 150 people


Water for Mexico I

With Club de Niños y Niñas Delegación Hidalgo

Water for Mexico I

With Club de Niños y Niñas Delegación Hidalgo

The children and adolescents of the Casas QUMA community in Atotonilco de Tula, Hidalgo, live in an environment where loneliness can be dangerous. With parents traveling long distances for work, they are left unprotected and exposed to a psychosocial context that threatens to extinguish their potential. The lack of a safe space leaves them vulnerable in a hostile environment that distances them from development opportunities.

Xylem Watermark joins forces with Club de Niños y Niñas Delegación Hidalgo to transform this situation. Inspired by the Boys and Girls Clubs of America, which have included iconic figures like Jennifer Lopez and Michael Jordan, we will fund the necessary improvements to this space and introduce children and adolescents to a deep awareness of the importance of water. With this intervention, we will create a beacon of hope and human development amid adversity, providing these young people with the tools to develop their potential through passion, art, culture, and human development.


  • Implementation of a training program for children and teachers on the use and good practices of water care.
  • Implementation of an entrepreneurship workshop on sublimation for self-sustainable production.
  • Utensils, tools, and kitchen appliances.

BENEFICIARIES: More than 300 people


Water for Mexico II

With ReforestAcción

Water for Mexico II

With ReforestAcción

In the lands that the Otomí people revered as sacred, where Hüyata, the sun, was the symbol of life and power, nature now cries out for help. The municipalities of Amealco and Humilpan today suffer the ravages of climate change, facing extreme droughts, arid lands, and a forced exodus of their inhabitants. The vital connection between social and environmental balance has been broken, leaving communities vulnerable to migrations and illicit activities.

Xylem Watermark and ReforestAcción join forces to restore the forests of southern Querétaro. This ambitious project will plant 60,000 native trees, regenerating ecosystems and bringing life back to these devastated lands. Together, we seek not only to reforest but also to restore hope by ensuring that these communities once again find strength and protection in nature.


  • Planting of 60,000 native species: Gregg pines.
  • Protection, maintenance, and monitoring of the native forest for three years.

BENEFICIARIES: More than 4,200 people


Water for Morocco

With Amis des Ecoles

Water for Morocco

With Amis des Ecoles

In the heart of the mountainous countryside of Marrakech, the girls of Asni face an unequal struggle. In a society marked by deep asymmetries, these girls are trapped in a reality where access to water, food and education are a privilege, not a right. The earthquake in 2023 not only destroyed the Al Haouz boarding school, but also robbed these girls of their refuge, their shelter. In this space, water was not just a resource, but a symbol of life, hope and resilience in an environment in which deschooling is a common occurrence.

Xylem Watermark and Amis des Ecoles are teaming up to rebuild the Al Haouz boarding school and the future of 500 Moroccan girls with a space where they can learn, grow and project themselves into the world. This place stands as a beacon of hope amidst the social and economic asymmetries of Morocco, where every drop of water and every educational opportunity become acts of resistance and empowerment.


  • Participation in the reconstruction of the Al Haouz boarding school

BENEFICIARIES: More than 500 people


Water for Peru I


Water for Peru I

With Techo

In the midst of Metropolitan Lima, where the cold bites in winter and the heat suffocates in summer, water is a scarce commodity. Communities live in a perpetual state of deprivation, where the lack of access to basic services translates into poverty, unsanitary conditions, and vulnerability. In popular settlements, communal kitchens that feed hundreds of people face the constant threat of diseases due to the scarcity of clean water, an essential resource for both food preparation and basic hygiene.

Xylem Watermark joins forces with TECHO to bring assistance and awareness about the value and power of safe water with tools that contribute to the dignity of families in these popular settlements.


Delivery of 8 water storage solutions with handwashing stations for communal kitchens in Pachacamac:

  • 8 water tanks of 1,100 liters with filters.
  • 8 metal towers.
  • 8 wooden vanities with sinks and faucets.

BENEFICIARIES: More than 560 people


Water for Peru II


Water for Peru II

With Techo

Extreme cold and heat. Humidity at its highest all year round. In Villa María del Triunfo and San Juan de Lurigancho, which is the most populated municipality in all of Peru, water is a scarce commodity and forces residents to pay for it every day.

The communal pots are a source of attention to the needs of these residents, and having water that ensures optimal conditions for preparing food in a hygienic environment is vital.

Xylem Watermark joins TECHO to bring assistance and awareness about the value and power of safe water with tools that contribute to the dignity of families in these popular settlements.


Delivery of 8 water storage solutions with handwashing stations to 4 communal kitchens in Villa María del Triunfo and 4 communal kitchens in San Juan de Lurigancho:

  • 8 water tanks of 1,100 liters with filters.
  • 8 metal towers.
  • 8 wooden vanities with sinks and faucets.

BENEFICIARIES: More than 560 people


Water for United Kingdom

With Canal & River Trust

Water for United Kingdom

With Canal & River Trust

Water is Life, and Mental Health. Water is essential for both physical and mental well-being. The Let's Fish! programme harnesses water's healing power, especially for young people, deepening their connection to this vital resource.

Xylem Watermark and Canal & River Trust team up to protect the ‘Let's Fish’ programme, offering water-based activities across the UK’s historic waterways. These activities benefit many people, particularly those in our communities struggling with their mental health but also neurodivergent individuals like those with ADHD, providing them a calming and enriching environment.


  • Educate communities about the importance of water and the Canal & River Trust’s charity work.
  • Fundraise and volunteer to help protect the Let's Fish UK programme and wider work of the charity

BENEFICIARIES: More than 5,000 people


Water for United States

With Waterboys

Water for United States

With Waterboys

More than 2 million Americans do not have access to water and almost half of the tap water in the United States is contaminated with chemicals known as PFAS - per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances- according to a study by the United States Geological Survey (USGS). In Newark Ohio, in a rural setting, a family whose members suffer from cancer and heart problems do not have water for their difficult daily life. Without sufficient income to implement works, access to safe water is becoming more difficult every day.

Xylem Watermark and Waterboys Foundation, together with volunteers, will provide access to safe water with projects that go beyond and will have a more than positive impact in this corner of America.


  • Well drilling + pumping equipment installation
  • Community work of house painting and gardening



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Because water is everything and the water crisis is too big to solve it alone.

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